Monday 2 April 2012

The Prayer of Faith

The Prayer of Faith
As believers in Christ, faith is our lifestyle. Our walk with God is a faith walk. Faith is that outstanding virtue that makes us stand out as believers and different from unbelievers.
Faith involves work; that’s why it’s called our work of faith – because faith without works is a corpse, as very dead as the body without the spirit. Faith is a means of expressing the manifold wisdom, greatness, and power of Almighty God, our Father. Faith means you have it now, though you can’t see it with your two optical eyes. You see it with your eyes of faith. You already possess it with your heart. It’s yours. Faith is an inside business that produces outside benefits.
The prayer of faith comes with its own rules and requirements. It involves making a request to God and SPEAKING to circumstances in order to make them conform to our desires, without doubts in our hearts.
The specific rules of the prayer of faith are as follows:
ü Specific Desire: There must be a clear and specific desire in your heart;
ü The Vision: You must see the unseen. That is, create a mental picture of that desire. The extent of your vision is the boundary of your blessing! It’s only through the eyes of faith that you can see the unseen, and that’s only practicable when the desire is specific. Seeing the unseen is not the same as been optimistic. It’s seeing the way God sees and speaking of it as though it’s physically present.
ü Your Evidence: Faith is provable, admissible and reliable evidence you can use. It’s the title deed to that business, land, building, car, marriage, contract, new born baby, or income you so much desire.
ü Be Doubt-free: There should be no doubt in your heart after praying. The prayer of faith is heard once. Repeated asking more than once for the same thing in the prayer of faith signifies doubt in your heart. This prayer demands that you believe you receive the request when you prayed the first time. The Word of God in the human spirit establishes faith. The doubting that voids faith is that which comes from the human spirit, not the human mind.

To doubt in your heart, your inner man or spirit means to be double-minded, to waver, to withdraw alternately from your deep convictions, or to stagger at God’s unshakeable and unwavering Word. The solution for doubt in your heart is Strong Faith, one that mixes faith with works and gives glory to God. The more you exercise or put your faith to work, the stronger it becomes.
ü You Get What You Say: Maintain the right confession in agreement with what God’s Word says about you or about the situation. Until you confess or say it, you can’t see or enjoy it. Confession unbundles and gives you access to your salvation package, loaded with prosperity, favour, divine health, peace, and what have you. Your words are powerful; they give expression to your thoughts!

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