Thursday 26 April 2012

Two Business Rules to Run Your Organization by the BOOK!

Business Rule #1: Look in the Mirror
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:18-20
Your people are your scorecard. If they aren't what they should be it is not so much an indictment of them as followers as it is of you as their leader. After all, you hired them, are responsible for training them and learning to motivate them and for creating an environment in which they can succeed. Thus, if they're not of a desired caliber, stop looking out the window and look in the mirror. In fact, one of a manager's greatest errors is consuming himself with trying to “fix” everyone around him: "If we could just get these people to step up, to work a little harder, to dig a little deeper, everything would be fine." This attitude hacks at the leaves rather than strikes at the root. The fact is that nothing in an organization gets better measurably or sustainably until you improve as a leader. To believe otherwise is dangerous and delusional. Quite frankly, if the people surrounding you aren't any good, it's a clear sign you aren't good enough because the speed of the leader is the speed of the pack.


1. Give up your black belt in blame and get better at what you do. As your management and leadership skill improves you'll be able to attract better people, develop those around you and retain the good people you have already on your team.
2. Assume responsibility for your own development. If your company invests in your continual education consider it a plus-but you should not leave your personal growth to the whims of others. Work as hard on yourself as you do on your job. And regardless of your past success, lose the arrogant belief that somehow you've arrived because the moment you do you begin to decline.
3. Before you attack the failures or complacency of those around you, honestly answer: "Have I been clear as to what I expect?” “Did I provide the tools necessary for others to get the job done?” “Have I stretched myself to higher levels or is my own bar so low I keep tripping over it? Have I made the decisions necessary to move the organization forward? Have I taken mature risks or am I calcifying in a mold? Have I been in a comfort zone so long it's time to order new furniture?"
This Business Rule says that when it comes to people, you will attract what you are and not what you want. How can you export what you don't have or take people on a journey that you've never been on? How can you teach them to be team players if you're inclined to lead by personal convenience rather than by personal example?

Extracts Dave Anderson at

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